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Special Announcement

GI Disease

2012: Changes in the Choice of Colorectal Cancer Screening Tests in Primary Care Settings From 7,845 Prospectively Collected Surveys

GI DiseaseMedical Journals

Researchers in HK analyzed data from 7,845 participants in a bowel cancer screening programme. Results showed that many participants changed their mind after the educational session about colorectal cancer and its related screening tools (27.1 % changing from colonoscopy to fecal immunochemical test (FIT) and 8 % changing from FIT to colonoscopy). Those with family history of CRC and high self-perception of CRC risk were more likely to choose colonoscopy and perception of overall health status, occupation, low income, younger age, and negative perceptions of CRC screening were associated with high probability to change screening choice. Detailed explanations by primary care physicians was suggested for those have higher probability to change decision to secure a more informed and considered choice.
