Board of Directors
Dr LEE Chien, BBS *
Mr Bernard P.H. AUYANG *
Ms Sandra S.Y. BIRCH LEE, GBS, JP *
Prof. CHAIR Sek-ying *
Dr Henry H.L. CHAN
Prof. CHAN Lam *
Dr Polly S.Y. CHEUNG
Prof. CHIU Wai-yan, Philip *
Mr Dennis C.I. CHOW *
Ms FAN Kit-yee
Prof. FOK Tai-fai, SBS, JP *
Dr FUNG Hong, JP *
Mr Peter KUNG *
Ms Salome Y.P. LAM *
Mr Dickson D.S. LO *
Prof. Dennis LO Yuk Ming *
Dr LUK Che-chung *
Mr Roger K.H. LUK, BBS, JP *
Ms Winnie NG, JP
The Honourable TANG Ka-piu, BBS, JP *
Prof. Clement THAM Chee Yung *
Dr WONG Kwai-lam *
Mr Anthony T.T. YUEN, MH, JP *
Prof. Patrick YUNG Shu Hang *
*denotes CUHK-related Directors. CUHK-related Directors shall comprise two-thirds or not less than two-thirds of the total number of Directors on the Board of CUHKMC.
21 March 2025