CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC) is a non-profit, private teaching hospital wholly owned by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). With a social mission to bridge the service gap between the private and public healthcare systems in Hong Kong, CUHKMC is dedicated to offering quality healthcare service at transparent and affordable package fees. In line with the not-for-profit principle, all surpluses from the Hospital will be ploughed back to the Hospital for hospital development and the CUHK Faculty of Medicine for research and teaching.

We provide a full range of medical services. Our healthcare team works in an integrated and holistic manner to promote wellbeing of patients. Our hospital is carefully designed to be user-friendly for all ages, including patients, visitors and staff. Services are streamlined to better cater for patient needs and to eliminate unnecessary waiting and transfers. Together with the state-of-the-art technologies and equipment, CUHKMC is dedicated in optimising the clinical outcomes of patient care and enhancing operational efficiency.

With the full support from CUHK, the Government, our donors, and the medical alliance who share our purposes, we are committed to offering quality patient-centred hospital service for the people of Hong Kong.
Our Values
Our patients will view us as:
for quality patient-centred services
for new models in coordinated care
for transparent and affordable pricing
for clinical excellence


Team Care
We are all professionals Working closely as a Team
We care for you with Empathy and Compassion
We aim to Heal your body and mind
We practise Evidence-based medicine and Ethical care
We Ask about and Acknowledge how you feel
Patient First
We Listen to your concerns with zeal

Inpatient Wards
Day Surgery Centre
23day beds
Emergency Medicine Centre
8 Consultation Rooms
Operating Rooms
28 Operating Rooms
Outpatient Clinics
49Consultation Rooms
Day Patient Services
Let's take a Virtual Tour to explore CUHK Medical Centre.
The CUHKMC’s Pharmacy is committed to delivering high-quality comprehensive pharmacy services to our customers, and functions as part of a multi-disciplinary healthcare team to optimise patient-centered care. With the introduction of various automation and IoT technologies, Pharmacy is pioneering solutions to assure medication safety and bring about better patient experience in pharmaceutical care.
The Closed Loop Medication Management System (Only available in Chinese)
Service Scope
One-stop Service for Patients
Pharmacy operates jointly in two different locations (1/F Pharmacy and G/F Outpatient Pharmacy) to cater to the needs of different outpatient services, as well as providing a “one-stop” service to enhance patients’ experiences in various specialty clinics and centres.
Drug Distribution with Automated Systems
Pharmacy strives to deliver a paperless “Closed Loop Medication Management System”. This is a revolutionary process that integrates automated systems to help close the medication management and administration loop. CUHKMC is the first in Hong Kong to provide multiple dose dispensing services to outpatient cases. With this model, patients do not need to sort and assemble medications on their own any longer where there would be risk of errors. Doses required for each scheduled time are packed into a ready-to-use pouch for administration. Taking medication is simple by following the pouches.
Unit dose dispensing and barcode verification systems for inpatient are also adopted to facilitate safe medication dispensing and administration within the hospital. The use of different automated systems and IoT technologies aims to reduce risk of errors, safeguard patients’ safety and quality use of medications.
Clinical Pharmacy & Drug Information Service
With a heavy focus in providing holistic patient care, our team of pharmacists routinely conduct medication verification and clinical interventions when appropriate. The pharmacy team is readily available to provide objective, unbiased, evidence-based information, and therapeutic recommendations in response to drug-related enquiries raised by clinicians, nurses, and allied health staff. We also maintain drug database to support Clinical Decision Support System to facilitate safe and efficient medication outcome.
Medication Counselling & Drug Education
Professional medication counselling services are available to ensure relevant drug information and useful advices are provided to improve patients’ compliance and self-management to sustain good long-term care. Special arrangements such as bed-side discharge counselling, family or carer counselling can be tailored to better serve individual patient’s needs.
We also aim at enhancing patient engagement in managing his/her medications via Patient App. Patients and carers can access medication history and related information and manage drug administration via the App.

Various Automation
- Automated Tablet Dispensing & Packaging System
- Automated Dispensing Cabinet
- E-Medcart

Pharmacist Counselling Room
- Medication Counselling and Drug Education