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Special Announcement

Press Releases

08Nov 2022

“Be with You - Breast Cancer Patient Support Program”

CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC) partners with Roche Hong Kong Limited (Roche) to launch “Be with You - Breast Cancer Patient Support Program” (Program). While the Program is CUHKMC's first medicinal patient support program, it is among many other Roche’s patient support programs in Hong Kong which are operated through the partnering between other non-profit-making organisations, patient support groups and healthcare organisations with other medical practitioners to support patients in need.

The Program, jointly supported by CUHKMC and Roche, is launched in November 2022 for a period of three years. Breast cancer patients who are suitable to use the targeted therapy drugs listed in the program, and who meet the required financial condition, are eligible to participate. The degree of support is subject to the treatment plan and patient’s financial status.  

For program details, please refer to the website: