Press Releases
25Nov 2024
CUHK Medical Centre Hosts “Innovation Symposium - Pioneering Solutions in Healthcare 2024” To Promote Empathy and Patient Experience
CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC) held the “Innovation Symposium - Pioneering Solutions in Healthcare 2024” on 23 November 2024, featuring a series of inspirational panel sessions and talks by distinguished speakers and professionals in healthcare and innovation technology. As the third event after its debut in 2021, this year’s event aims to promote empathy and patient experience, and attracted more than 340 industry leaders and members of the public attending in person and online.
In his opening remarks, Dr. Chien LEE, Chairman of the Board of CUHKMC, said, “‘Empathy’ and ‘Innovation’, two seemingly unrelated concepts, are actually intertwined in healthcare. These two elements when properly balanced, lay the foundation for exceptional patient care, ultimately improving patient outcome and experience. When innovators of healthcare grasp the importance of empathy, they will be able to use the rigours of creative thinking to find answers to patients’ challenges.”
On 23 November, the symposium consisted of two sessions. In the morning session themed “Empathy and Innovation: The Future of Healthcare”, it featured three panel sessions delivered by eminent medical professionals and innovation technology experts, targeting at professionals in healthcare industry.
Mr. Amir Dan RUBIN, CEO of Healthier Capital, shared his insights for leading in patient experience with audience.
Dr. Alexander NG, President of Tencent Healthcare, gave a keynote address on how to encounter the healthcare challenges of the Mainland with a population of 1.4 billion.
Ms. LEE Chen Ee, Group Director for Innovation and Transformation of SingHealth, was present to deliver an address on patient-centered innovation.
In the afternoon session themed “Care from Heart: Heartwarming Moments between Doctors and Patients”, professors from The Chinese University of Hong Kong as well as CUHKMC specialists and medical professionals hosted 7 health talks covering a vast range of topics, including dementia, cancer treatment, heart disease, etc. Family members of patients were also present to share about their caregiver’s journey. (Please refer to the Appendix (in Chinese only) for detailed rundown).
Dr. Hong FUNG, Chief Executive Officer of CUHKMC, said, “Empathy is the key to providing healthcare services. Cultivating empathy is crucial to understanding the needs and feelings of patients and their caregivers. The exchange of knowledge and experience could promote the rationale of empathy and patient experience. That is why we have organised this Symposium, bringing together the industry leaders, innovators and technology experts, to discuss and explore how we could enhance the experience of patients and caregivers in healthcare services.”
On the following day of the Symposium (24 November), an Open House was organised to showcase some of the major services and technologies of CUHKMC to members of the public, including Radiotherapy Centre, Imaging & Interventional Radiology Centre, Cardiology Centre, Endoscopy Centre, Urology Centre, Eye Centre and Wellness Centre. The Open House was attended by around 300 people on the day.
Appendix (in Chinese only)
公眾講座「從心出發︰醫患溫暖瞬間」內容 | |
認知障礙有得醫 | 中大醫學院內科及藥物治療學系教授莫仲棠教授 |
癌症病人如何善用公私醫療系統 | 中大醫學院腫瘤學系教授陳林教授 |
點樣用電去拯救生命 | 中大醫院心臟科專科醫生鄭裕康醫生 |
長者照顧者的日與夜 | 中大醫院老人科專科醫生何韻施醫生 |
急你所急:三言兩語中的理性與藝術 | 中大醫院急症科專科醫生梁子恒醫生 |
愛的灌溉:助產士與產婦同行 | 中大醫院婦產科護士陳曉燕助產士 |
治療、掙扎、同理心 | 中大醫院專職醫療服務主任及註冊物理治療師劉敏昌教授 李盛林牧師 |