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Special Announcement

Sports Medicine Clinic

Equipped with latest advanced professional equipment

Equipped with latest advanced professional equipment

Equipped with latest advanced professional equipment

Equipped with latest advanced professional equipment

Equipped with latest advanced professional equipment

Equipped with latest advanced professional equipment

Equipped with latest advanced professional equipment

Equipped with latest advanced professional equipment

Equipped with latest advanced professional equipment

Equipped with latest advanced professional equipment

Equipped with latest advanced professional equipment

Equipped with latest advanced professional equipment

Our Services

Orthopaedics and Traumatology Service

Medical Service

  • Sports injury management
  • Sports rehabilitation
  • Injury prevention
  • Pre competition medical assessment
  • Performance enhancement
  • Regenerative medicine
  • Knee arthroscopic and reconstructive surgery
  • Shoulder arthroscopic and reconstructive surgery
  • Elbow arthroscopic and reconstructive surgery
  • Wrist arthroscopic and reconstructive surgery
  • Ankle arthroscopic and reconstructive surgery



  • Minor operations
  • Cast/POP/Splintage/Orthosis 
  • Wound care


Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Service 

Physiotherapy Service

  • Musculoskeletal


Equipment and Treatment

  • Manual therapy
  • Exercise training
  • Isokinetic training
  • Shockwave therapy
  • Ultrasound therapy


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ServiceFees (HKD)

Orthopaedic Consultation

Specialist Consultation Fee$1,000 - $1,500
Specialist Consultation Fee (Professor) $1,400 - $2,500


Physiotherapy - Initial Assessment$250
Physiotherapy - Initial Assessment (Professor) $350
Physiotherapy (3 modalities or less)$900
Physiotherapy (3 modalities or less) (Professor) $1,050
Physiotherapy (Additional modality)$320
Physiotherapy (Additional modality) (Professor) $380


Health Knowledge

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急救5步曲 處理拗柴有法 (Only available in Chinese)

Sports MedicineAnkle

急救5步曲 處理拗柴有法 (Only available in Chinese)

足踝韌帶受傷當中,最常見是足踝關節外側韌帶拉傷,俗稱「拗柴」。「拗柴」後患者可採用「POLICE」,指肌肉、跟腱和韌帶急性受傷後的處理方法,作初步處理。 處理方法分為五大部分,分別為: ✱ P — Protection: 患者需要在受傷初期盡量保護受傷部位,以繃帶或承托物固定患處。 ✱ OL — Optimal Loading: 患者在脫離受傷急性期後,在患處有足夠保護的情況下,應給予足踝適當的活動以代替過度休息(包括走路、關節活動、適當的運動及負重鍛鍊)。若受傷後長時間沒有活動,反而會減慢軟組織及骨頭的康復進度。 ✱ I — Ice: 冰敷可以控制發炎腫脹及減少疼痛,在「拗柴」後的頭幾天內,可以每天冰敷四至五次,每次相隔兩至三小時,而每次冰敷的建議時間約為15分鐘。 ✱ C — Compression:加壓亦是有效控制腫脹的另外一個方法,「拗柴」後我們可透過使用彈性繃帶包裹足踝以消腫。 ✱ E — Elevation:抬高受傷部份至高於心臟的位置,令血液及淋巴回流,減低腫脹。 當「拗柴」時,若果傷況輕微,大多數情況下你只會感到有少許痛楚及紅腫。然而,當出現較嚴重的情況,例如:足踝出現變形、嚴重瘀腫及繃緊,或「拗柴」後患部不能受力行走,則有需要立即求醫。 一般而言,「拗柴」的治療會配合物理治療和復康運動 ,康復時間更可長達數月。若「拗柴」後沒有妥善跟進和處理,這可引致往後出現慣性「拗柴」、關節不穩定,並逐步傷害關節附近的軟骨,令患處提早退化,影響活動能力及日常生活。所以,當出現「拗柴」時,在進行了以上處理後,亦應向骨科專科醫生及物理治療師跟進病情,以免之後出現更嚴重的創傷或後遺症。

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Service Hours

  • Orthopaedic & Physiotherapy Services
    (by appointment only) 
  • MON & WED:
    9:00AM - 5:00PM
  • THU:
    9:00AM - 1:00PM