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Dr Clara WONG Wing Yee

Dr WONG Wing Yee, Clara

In House IconIn-house Doctor


  • Consultant
  • Specialist in Orthopaedics and Traumatology


Associate Professor of Practice in Orthopaedics & Traumatology (by courtesy), Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK


  • MB ChB (CUHK)
  • MRCSEd
  • FRCSEd(Orth)
  • FHKAM (Orthopaedic Surgery)


  • hand, wrist, elbow or upper limb fracture fixation
  • finger joint, wrist joint and elbow joint ligament repair or reconstruction
  • finger joint, wrist joint, elbow joint arthroscopic surgeries, minimal invasive surgeries
  • tendon repair, tendon reconstruction
  • microsurgical repair of limbs, digits, fingertips
  • nerve repair, nerve transfer, nerve decompression
  • tendon transfer, tenolysis, tendon release
  • finger, hand, wrist and elbow joint replacement
  • congenital hand reconstruction
  • local, regional and free flap in wound coverage and functional reconstructions
  • nail reconstruction


Scope of service includes managing patients of all ages, from babies to elderlies, suffering from:

  • hand, wrist, elbow bony and soft tissue injuries, e.g. fracture, ligament tear, tendon rupture, tendon cut, nerve injuries, artery injuries, amputation injuries, joint damage, etc.
  • problematic wounds in upper and lower limbs, e.g. non-healing wounds, burn wound, wound defects, etc.
  • any kind of infection involving upper limbs, including bone, joint, tendon, muscle and skin
  • tendinopathies, e.g. trigger finger, tennis elbow, DeQuervain’s disease, intersection syndrome, wrist tendinitis, golfer’s elbow, etc.
  • degenerative joint disease, inflammatory arthritis, post-traumatic joint arthritis, involving upper limbs, e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, gouty arthritis, pseudogouty arthritis, etc.
  • entrapment neuropathies, e.g. cubital tunnel syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, pronator teres syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, etc.
  • tumors involving upper limbs, including bone, joint, tendon, muscle, skin, fingertip
  • congenital upper limb anomalies, e.g. extra-thumb, syndactyly, etc.
  • post-burn reconstruction