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10May 2024

CUHKMC Health Day 2024

Atrium Link, Hong Kong Science Park


CUHKMC Health Day 2024

CUHKMC Health Day 2024

CUHKMC Health Day 2024

CUHKMC Health Day 2024

CUHKMC Health Day 2024

CUHKMC Health Day 2024

CUHKMC Health Day 2024

CUHKMC Health Day 2024

CUHKMC Health Day 2024

CUHKMC Health Day 2024

CUHKMC Health Day 2024

CUHKMC Health Day 2024

CUHKMC Health Day 2024

The CUHKMC Health Day 2024 was successfully held on 10 May 2024 at Hong Kong Science Park, attracting enthusiastic participation from the Science Park community and the general public. Through the event, CUHKMC was delighted to introduce CUHKMC’s specialist, out-patient and in-patient services to the public, as well as to share with the community necessary health information with an aim to raise public awareness towards personal and family health.

On the day, a wide array of health information and latest medical technologies were showcased. Nurses were also available to address visitors' inquiries; whereas the on-site interactive agility game was very well received by participants.