Alert Response Level – Inpatient and Day Procedure
(Effective date: 18 October 2024)
In response to the update on policy of the Government of HKSAR, CUHK Medical Centre (the Hospital) has adopted the following measures with effect from 18 October 2024:
COVID-19 Test Admission Screening for Inpatients and Patients receiving day procedures
Inpatients are not required to provide negative RAT* test result on the day of admission. COVID-19 PCR test will be required for (i) patients with febrile respiratory illness, or (ii) attending doctor consider that COVID-19 PCR test be necessary as part of the investigation.
Patients receiving day procedures
Negative RAT (self-test)* on day of procedures for patients attending day chemotherapy and haemodialysis centres and presented with fever and/or respiratory illness.
Ward Visiting & Inpatient Companion Arrangement
Visiting Hours: 08:00 – 21:00
Visitor Limit: Up to 2 persons per visit
Maintain good personal and hand hygiene practices at all times.
- Perform hand hygiene before leaving the patient room by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
- No eating or drinking during visits.
- All patients and visitors are required to wear surgical masks in the clinical areas of the Hospital, and they are also advised to wear surgical masks at all times within the premises of the Hospital.
- Maintain appropriate social distancing during visits.
- For the sake of patient and visitor safety, ward visits are not allowed for the following persons:
Persons who are symptomatic such as fever, respiratory symptoms or sudden loss of smell/ taste at the time of visiting
*Note: RAT kit must be among the recognised RAT kits listed on the Government website.
Please note that the above-mentioned measures are subject to change in accordance with the epidemic situation without prior notice and CUHKMC reserves the rights for final decision.