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Government Subsidised Vaccination Schemes


The Hong Kong SAR Government offers the following vaccination schemes to eligible persons.


Vaccination Subsidy Scheme - 2024-25 Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Services
For details and booking, please click here.

COVID-19 Vaccination Programme 
For details and booking, please click here.

Co-administration of COVID-19 Vaccine and Seasonal Influenza Vaccine
For details, please click here.

Vaccination Subsidy Scheme - Pneumococcal Vaccination
 For details, please click here

CUHK Medical Centre Vaccination Services


Image of doctor holding a syringe


It’s said that prevention is better than cure – and indeed it is not only for saving the suffering and expense of being sick, but more importantly, for the peace of mind for yourself and family. Backed up by years of clinical research and studies, vaccination is well-regarded as one of the safest and effective means of disease prevention.

CUHK Medical Centre provides vaccination services, offering coverage from influenza, hepatitis B, meningococcal meningitis, cervical cancer and beyond for different needs at different ages.

Enquiry and Booking

For aged 18 or above
Hotline 852 3946 6188

Mainland China Toll-Free 
Hotline 4001 20 0937

For aged below 18
Hotline 852 3946 6321

Image of doctor holding a syringe

Below vaccination services are now available at CUHK Medical Centre

The below prices are for vaccine doses only. Doctor consultation may be required prior to administering specific vaccinations. The fees may vary depending on the doctor you consult. For more information, please inquire with the staff when making your appointment.



Image of a girl covering her nose with tissue

Vaccination Population

  • Applicable to individuals aged 6 months and older

Doctor consultation may be required prior to administering specific vaccinations. For more information, please inquire with the staff when making your appointment.

Recommended Dose /  Injection Timeline

Preferably at least 2 weeks before the arrival of the winter influenza season 

  • Adult
    • 1 dose (per year)
  • Paediatric population
    • Children from 6 months to 17 years of age: 
      1 dose (per year)
    • Children less than 9 years of age, who have not previously been vaccinated with a seasonal influenza vaccine:
      2 doses (current season) (4 weeks apart)

Adverse Effects

Most people receiving the vaccine do not have serious reactions. Common side effects are similar to those from other vaccines, including: 

  1. Mild and short-lasting headache, dizziness, nausea and fatigue
  2. Soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site

Severe allergic reactions like hives, swelling of the lips or tongue, and difficulties in breathing are rare and require emergency consultation.


HK$ 260 / 1 dose




Influenza Vaccination

  • The influenza peak season in Hong Kong are normally from January to March/April, and from July to August (subject to the actual situation of each year)

  • For high risk groups (for example, pregnant women, children and etc.), more severe complications can occur, such as sinusitis, bronchitis, myocarditis pneumonia, and at extreme situations, deaths

Learn More  ​​


Image of influenza vaccination leaflet







Image of doctor giving treatment to a woman 

Vaccination Population

  • Applicable to all adults aged 60 years, which aims to prevent lower respiratory tract disease (LRTD) resulting from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection.

Doctor consultation may be required prior to administering specific vaccinations. For more information, please inquire with the staff when making your appointment.

Recommended Dose

  • 1 dose

Adverse Effects

The majority of individuals who receive the vaccine do not experience severe reactions. Common side effects are comparable to those experienced with other vaccines.

  1. Mild headache, dizziness and fatigue
  2. Soreness, redness, or swelling at the injection site

The side effects should resolve on their own within 1-2 days. Be vigilant for rare but serious allergic reactions such as hives, swelling of the lips or tongue, and breathing difficulties. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek immediate medical attention.


HK$ 2,938 / 1 dose




Vaccination Population

Indicated for:

  • The prevention of LRTD caused by RSV in individuals 60 years of age and older
  • Pregnant individuals at 32 through 36 weeks gestational age for the prevention of lower respiratory tract disease (LRTD) and severe LRTD caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in infants from birth through 6 months of age

Doctor consultation may be required prior to administering specific vaccinations. For more information, please inquire with the staff when making your appointment.

Recommended Dose

  • 1 dose

Adverse Effects

The majority of individuals who receive the vaccine do not experience severe reactions. Common side effects are comparable to those experienced with other vaccines.

  1. Redness, or swelling at the injection site

The majority of solicited local and systemic reactions resolved within 2-3 days of onset. If you experience severe or persistent side effects, seek immediate medical attention.


HK$ 2,700 / 1 dose







Image of a family of 5 people 

Vaccination Population

  • Children under 2 years of age 
  • High-risk individuals aged 2 years or above 
  • Elderly aged 65 or above

Doctor consultation may be required prior to administering specific vaccinations. For more information, please inquire with the staff when making your appointment.

Recommended Dose / Injection Timeline

  • Children under 2 years of age should receive pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV) under the Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation Programme i.e. with two primary doses given at 2 and 4 months of age followed by a booster dose at 12 months.

  • High-risk individuals aged 2 years or above should receive a single dose of 15-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV15), followed by a single dose of 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (23vPPV) 1 year later.

  • Unvaccinated elderly aged 65 or above without a high-risk condition should receive a single dose of 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (23vPPV) whereas those with high-risk conditions should receive one dose of PCV15 followed by one dose of 23vPPV one year later.

Adverse Effects

Most people receiving the vaccine do not have serious reactions. Common side effects are similar to those from other vaccines, including:

  1. Mild and short-lasting headache, dizziness, nausea and fatigue
  2. Soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site

Severe allergic reactions like hives, swelling of the lips or tongue, and difficulties in breathing are rare and require emergency consultation.


HK$ 1,466 / 1 dose



  • PCV15 is effective against both invasive pneumococcal disease and non-invasive pneumococcal pneumonia 


Vaccination Population

  • Individuals from 6 weeks of age or above

Doctor consultation may be required prior to administering specific vaccinations. For more information, please inquire with the staff when making your appointment.

Recommended Dose / Injection Timeline

  • Infants and children 6 weeks to 15 months of age: 4-dose series
    (three-dose primary series followed by a booster dose)
    • First dose usually given at 2 months of age and with an interval of at least 4 weeks between doses.
      • The first dose may be given as early as 6 weeks of age.
      • The fourth (booster) dose is recommended between 11 and 15 months of age
  • Individuals 18 years of age and older: administered as asingle dose

Adverse Effects

Most people receiving the vaccine do not have serious reactions. Common side effects are similar to those from other vaccines, including:

  1. Mild and short-lasting headache, dizziness, nausea and fatigue
  2. Soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site

Severe allergic reactions like hives, swelling of the lips or tongue, and difficulties in breathing are rare and require emergency consultation.


HK$ 1,911 / 1 dose



This vaccine includes the 13 serotypes already included in PCV13, and covers 7 additional serotypes that cause invasive pneumococcal disease, and have been associated with high case-fatality rates, antibiotic resistance, and/or meningitis.

According to the recommendations by the United States Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

  • For those who have not previously received any pneumococcal vaccine: Give 1 dose of PCV20; an additional dose of PPSV23 is not indicated
  • For those who have only received PPSV23: Give 1 dose of PCV20 at least 1 year after PPSV23 vaccination
  • For those who have only received PCV13: Discuss with healthcare professionals on the next pneumococcal vaccine


Vaccination Population

  • Applicable to high-risk individuals aged 2 years or above 

Doctor consultation may be required prior to administering specific vaccinations. For more information, please inquire with the staff when making your appointment.

Recommended Dose / Injection Timeline

  • Vaccination against pneumococcal disease in selected individuals age ≥2 years of age with high risk conditions;
  • Routine vaccination for elderly
    For elderly aged 65 years or above who do not have high-risk conditions, 1 dose of 23vPPv is recommended; Those who have high-risk conditions should receive one dose of PCV13 or PCV15 followed by 23vPPV one year later. For advice on individual cases, elderly should consult their family doctor.

Adverse Effects

Most people receiving the vaccine do not have serious reactions. Common side effects are similar to those from other vaccines, including:

  1. Mild and short-lasting headache, dizziness, nausea and fatigue
  2. Soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site

Severe allergic reactions like hives, swelling of the lips or tongue, and difficulties in breathing are rare and require emergency consultation.


HK$ 492 / 1 dose



  • 23vPPV covers more serotypes and theoretically offers extra protection





Image of 4 people hold a pink ribbon  

Vaccination Population

  • Applicable to people aged 9 and above for the prevention of cervical cancer as well as other HPV-related diseases including anal cancer and genital warts
  • In Hong Kong, Human Papillomavirus 9-valent Vaccine is included in the Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation Programme

Doctor consultation may be required prior to administering specific vaccinations. For more information, please inquire with the staff when making your appointment.

Recommended Dose

  • 2 doses or 3 doses

Recommended Dose / Injection Timeline

  • Aged 9 - 14: on a 0-, 5-13-month schedule (2 doses) OR   0-, 2-, 6-month schedule (3 doses)
  • Aged ≥ 15: 0-, 2-, 6-month schedule

Adverse Effects

Most people receiving the vaccine do not have serious reactions. Common side effects are similar to those from other vaccines, including:

  1. Mild and short-lasting headache, dizziness, nausea and fatigue
  2. Soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site

Severe allergic reactions like hives, swelling of the lips or tongue, and difficulties in breathing are rare and require emergency consultation.


HK$ 5,200 / 3 doses
HK$ 1,926 /
1 dose







Image of a doctor checking patient skin condition 

Vaccination Population

  • Applicable to adults aged 50 or above
  • Applicable to adults aged 18 or above who have or will have weakened immune system due to disease or therapy

Doctor consultation may be required prior to administering specific vaccinations. For more information, please inquire with the staff when making your appointment.

Recommended Dose

  • 2 doses

Injection Timeline

  • The second dose to be administered 2 to 6 months after the first shot
  • After evaluation with a doctor, adult aged 18 or above who have or will have weakened immune system due to disease or therapy who would benefit from a shorter vaccination schedule can receive the second dose 1 to 2 months after the first dose

Adverse Effects

Most people receiving the vaccine do not have serious reactions. Common side effects are similar to those from other vaccines, including:

  1. Mild and short-lasting headache, dizziness, nausea and fatigue
  2. Soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site

Severe allergic reactions like hives, swelling of the lips or tongue, and difficulties in breathing are rare and require emergency consultation


HK$ 6,611 / 2 doses
HK$ 3,673 /
1 dose



  • Recombinant zoster vaccine confers higher overall protection against shingles compared to live-attenuated zoster vaccine





Image showing cartoon images of the liver and blood sample 

Vaccination Population

  • Applicable to people aged one year or above
  • The following groups are recommended to receive hepatitis A vaccination:
    • Travellers to endemic areas of hepatitis A
    • People with clotting factors disorders receiving plasma-derived replacement clotting factors
    • People with chronic liver diseases
    • Men who have sex with men

Doctor consultation may be required prior to administering specific vaccinations. For more information, please inquire with the staff when making your appointment.

Recommended Dose

  • 2 doses

Injection Timeline

  • Second dose given 6 to 12 months apart

Adverse Effects

Most people receiving the vaccine do not have serious reactions. Common side effects are similar to those from other vaccines, including:

  1. Mild and short-lasting headache, dizziness, nausea and fatigue
  2. Soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site

Severe allergic reactions like hives, swelling of the lips or tongue, and difficulties in breathing are rare and require emergency consultation.


Children & adolescent (1-18 years of age):
HK$ 1,255 / 2 doses
HK$ 697 /
1 dose

HK$ 1,876 / 2 doses
HK$ 1,042 /
1 dose



Travellers should receive the first dose of hepatitis A vaccine at least 2 weeks before departure to endemic areas of hepatitis A for adequate protective antibody levels.


Vaccination Population

  • The following groups considered at higher risk of hepatitis B virus infection should receive hepatitis B vaccine, for example:
    • Family members and sexual partners of people with chronic hepatitis B 
    • People who receive blood or blood products on regular basis
    • People on dialysis
    • Healthcare workers who may have occupational exposure to blood or other body fluids of patients
  • In Hong Kong, hepatitis B vaccine is included in the Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation Programme

Doctor consultation may be required prior to administering specific vaccinations. For more information, please inquire with the staff when making your appointment.

Recommended Dose

  • 3 doses (Except adults on haemodialysis)

Injection Timeline

  • On a 0-, 1-, 6-month schedule (Except adults on haemodialysis)

Adverse Effects

Most people receiving the vaccine do not have serious reactions. Common side effects are similar to those from other vaccines, including:

  1. Mild and short-lasting headache, dizziness, nausea and fatigue
  2. Soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site

Severe allergic reactions like hives, swelling of the lips or tongue, and difficulties in breathing are rare and require emergency consultation.


Neonate, infant & children (≤15 years of age):
HK$ 624 / 3 doses
HK$ 231 /
1 dose

Adult (≥ 16 years of age):
HK$ 1,401 / 3 doses
HK$ 519 /
1 dose



  • For adults, it is preferable to have blood tests for hepatitis B status before vaccination


Vaccination Population

  • Non-immune adults and adolescents 16 years of age and above who are at risk of both hepatitis A and hepatitis B infection

Doctor consultation may be required prior to administering specific vaccinations. For more information, please inquire with the staff when making your appointment.

Recommended Dose

  • 3 doses

Injection Timeline

  • On a 0-, 1-, 6-month schedule

Adverse Effects

Most people receiving the vaccine do not have serious reactions. Common side effects are similar to those from other vaccines, including:

  1. Mild and short-lasting headache, dizziness, nausea and fatigue
  2. Soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site

Severe allergic reactions like hives, swelling of the lips or tongue, and difficulties in breathing are rare and require emergency consultation.


HK$ 2,997 / 3 doses
HK$ 1,110 /
1 dose



  • It is preferable to have blood tests for hepatitis status before vaccination.





Vaccination Population

  • Applicable to people aged 2 years old or above who will go to typhoid endemic areas, in particular long-stay travellers and those visiting rural areas where food and beverage choices may be limited

Doctor consultation may be required prior to administering specific vaccinations. For more information, please inquire with the staff when making your appointment.

Recommended Dose

  • 1 dose

Injection Timeline

  • The vaccine should be given at least two weeks prior to departure

Adverse Effects

Most people receiving the vaccine do not have serious reactions. Common side effects are similar to those from other vaccines, including:

  1. Mild and short-lasting headache, dizziness, nausea and fatigue
  2. Soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site

Severe allergic reactions like hives, swelling of the lips or tongue, and difficulties in breathing are rare and require emergency consultation


HK$ 264 / 1 dose



Revaccination should be considered every three years for those at continuous risk of infection





Vaccination Population

  • Applicable to people aged 9 months through 55 years of age
  • Applicable to travellers to areas that are known to experience epidemic meningococcal disease as announced by authorities

Doctor consultation may be required prior to administering specific vaccinations. For more information, please inquire with the staff when making your appointment.

Recommended Dose

  • 9-23 months children: 2-dose series three months apart
  • 2-55 years of age: Single dose

Injection Timeline

  • A single booster dose may be given to individuals 15 through 55 years of age at continued risk for meningococcal disease, if at least 4 years have elapsed since the prior dose. 

Adverse Effects

Most people receiving the vaccine do not have serious reactions. Common side effects are similar to those from other vaccines, including:

  1. Mild and short-lasting headache, dizziness, nausea and fatigue
  2. Soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site

Severe allergic reactions like hives, swelling of the lips or tongue, and difficulties in breathing are rare and require emergency consultation


HK$ 1,886 / 2 doses
HK$ 1,048 /
1 dose



Vaccination Population

  • Applicable to infants from 6 week of age
  • Applicable to travellers to areas that are known to experience epidemic meningococcal disease as announced by authorities

Doctor consultation may be required prior to administering specific vaccinations. For more information, please inquire with the staff when making your appointment.

Recommended Dose

  • Infants from 6 week to less than 6 months of age: 3 doses
  • Infants from 6 months of age to less than 12 months of age: 2 doses
  • Children from 12 months of age or adult: 1 dose

Injection Timeline

  • Infants from 6 week to less than 6 months of age: 
    First two doses with 2 months apart, third dose given at 12 months of age with at least 2 months apart from second dose
  • Infants from 6 months of age to less than 12 months of age: 
    Second dose given at 12 months of age with at least 2 months apart from the primary dose

Adverse Effects

Most people receiving the vaccine do not have serious reactions. Common side effects are similar to those from other vaccines, including:

  1. Mild and short-lasting headache, dizziness, nausea and fatigue
  2. Soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site

Severe allergic reactions like hives, swelling of the lips or tongue, and difficulties in breathing are rare and require emergency consultation.


HK$ 2,263 / 2 doses
HK$ 1,257 /
1 dose



Vaccination Population

  • Applicable to children from 12 months of age or adult
  • Applicable to travellers to areas that are known to experience epidemic meningococcal disease as announced by authorities

Doctor consultation may be required prior to administering specific vaccinations. For more information, please inquire with the staff when making your appointment.

Recommended Dose

  • Children from 12 months of age or adult: 1 dose

Injection Timeline

  • Booster dose can be given as needed 

Adverse Effects

Most people receiving the vaccine do not have serious reactions. Common side effects are similar to those from other vaccines, including:

  1. Mild and short-lasting headache, dizziness, nausea and fatigue
  2. Soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site

Severe allergic reactions like hives, swelling of the lips or tongue, and difficulties in breathing are rare and require emergency consultation.


HK$ 1,221 / 1 dose



Vaccination Population

  • Applicable to individuals 2 months of age or above

Doctor consultation may be required prior to administering specific vaccinations. For more information, please inquire with the staff when making your appointment.

Recommended Dose

  • 2-23 months of age:  3 doses
  • 2 years of age or above: 2 doses

Injection Timeline

  • 2-5 months of age:
    First 2 doses at least 2 months apart, third dose between 12 and 15 months of age, with an interval of at least 6 months between second and third dose
  • 6-11 months of age:
    First 2 doses at least 2 months apart, third dose in second year of life, with an interval of at least 2 months between second and third dose
  • 12-23 months of age:
    First 2 doses at least 2 months apart, third dose at least 12-23 months after second dose
  • Children aged 2 or above and Adult
    2 doses at least 1 months apart

Adverse Effects

Most people receiving the vaccine do not have serious reactions. Common side effects are similar to those from other vaccines, including:

  1. Mild and short-lasting headache, dizziness, nausea and fatigue
  2. Soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site

Severe allergic reactions like hives, swelling of the lips or tongue, and difficulties in breathing are rare and require emergency consultation.


HK$ 4,261 / 2 doses
HK$ 2,367 /
1 dose







Vaccination Population

Applicable to individuals 4 years of age or above, recommended for 

  • Pregnant women in the 2nd or 3rd trimester,  preferably before 35 weeks of gestation
  • People who have not received any pertussis vaccine in the past 10 years

Doctor consultation may be required prior to administering specific vaccinations. For more information, please inquire with the staff when making your appointment.

Recommended Dose

  • 1 dose

Injection Timeline

  • Not applicable

Adverse Effects

Most people receiving the vaccine do not have serious reactions. Common side effects are similar to those from other vaccines, including:

  1. Mild and short-lasting headache, dizziness, nausea and fatigue
  2. Soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site

Severe allergic reactions like hives, swelling of the lips or tongue, and difficulties in breathing are rare and require emergency consultation.


HK$ 842 /1 dose








Vaccination Population

  • Applicable to individuals 7 years of age or above, who are previously not vaccinated, or incompletely vaccinated before the age of 7, against tetanus and diphtheria
  • Individuals who need a booster dose
  • Wounded individuals as prophylaxis against tetanus

Doctor consultation may be required prior to administering specific vaccinations. For more information, please inquire with the staff when making your appointment.

Recommended Dose

  • Primary vaccination in individuals not previously vaccinated against tetanus and diphtheria, or when the immunisation status is uncertain: 3 doses
  • Booster in individuals who completed primary vaccination:  1 dose

Injection Timeline

  • Primary vaccination:
    • 2nd dose should be 1-2 months after 1st dose
    • 3rd dose should be 6-12 months after 2nd dose 
  • Booster vaccination: 
    • 1 dose every 5-10 years 

Adverse Effects

Most people receiving the vaccine do not have serious reactions. Common side effects are similar to those from other vaccines, including:

  1. Mild and short-lasting headache, dizziness, nausea and fatigue
  2. Soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site

Severe allergic reactions like hives, swelling of the lips or tongue, and difficulties in breathing are rare and require emergency consultation.


HK$ 648 / 3 doses
HK$ 216 / 1 dose








Vaccination Population

  • Under the Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation Programme, children receive 1 dose of MMR vaccine, followed by 1 dose of MMRV vaccine.

Doctor consultation may be required prior to administering specific vaccinations. For more information, please inquire with the staff when making your appointment.

Recommended Dose

  • Total 2 doses

Injection Timeline

  • Follow Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation Programme

Adverse Effects

Most people receiving the vaccine do not have serious reactions. Common side effects are similar to those from other vaccines, including:

  1. Mild and short-lasting headache, dizziness, nausea and fatigue
  2. Soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site

Severe allergic reactions like hives, swelling of the lips or tongue, and difficulties in breathing are rare and require emergency consultation.


HK$ 599 / 2 doses
HK$ 333 /
1 dose

HK$ 870 /
1 dose






Vaccination Population

  • Applicable to individuals 9 months of age or above
  • For travellers who plan to stay one month or longer in endemic areas, particularly in rural areas; and for short-term (less than one month) travellers if they plan to have significant/extensive outdoor or night-time exposure in rural areas during the transmission season of the disease

Doctor consultation may be required prior to administering specific vaccinations. For more information, please inquire with the staff when making your appointment.

Recommended Dose

  • 9 months of age to 17 years of age: 2 doses
  • 18 years of age and over:1 dose

Injection Timeline

  • 9 months of age to 17 years of age: Second dose 12-24 months apart
  • 18 years of age and over: Booster dose is not required for up to 5 years 

Adverse Effects

Most people receiving the vaccine do not have serious reactions. Common side effects are similar to those from other vaccines, including:

  1. Mild and short-lasting headache, dizziness, nausea and fatigue
  2. Soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site

Severe allergic reactions like hives, swelling of the lips or tongue, and difficulties in breathing are rare and require emergency consultation.


HK$ 2,108 / 1 dose



For an adequate protective antibody levels, adults should receive one dose of the vaccine at least 2 weeks before departure, while children should receive it at least 28 days before departure.